How Many Push-Ups Should Beginners Do Per Day?

How Many Push-Ups Should Beginners Do Per Day?

Push-ups are a great way to build upper body strength, tone muscles, and improve overall fitness without any equipment. For beginners, it’s important to start gradually and build up both strength and endurance over time. But how many push-ups should you aim for each day? This article provides a guideline for beginners on how to approach push-ups, starting from day one.

how many push ups per day for beginners
how many push ups per day for beginners

1. Understanding Your Starting Point

Every person has a different level of fitness, so it’s essential to assess your current ability. Beginners may find it difficult to perform a standard push-up, while others might already be able to do a few with ease. The key is to find a baseline.

  • Perform a Test Set: Start by seeing how many push-ups you can do in one go with proper form. This will help you gauge your starting point. If you can only do one or two, that’s perfectly fine—this is where you’ll build from.

2. Setting Realistic Goals

For beginners, it’s essential to set achievable goals. Overloading yourself from the start can lead to poor form or injury. Aim for gradual progress rather than trying to hit a high number of push-ups in one day.

  • Initial Goal: Start with a manageable target. For example, if you can only do 3-5 push-ups with good form, try doing 10-15 push-ups per day, spread across multiple sets.
  • Daily or Every Other Day: If you’re just starting, doing push-ups every other day can help give your muscles time to recover. Rest is crucial for muscle growth and avoiding burnout.

3. Breaking Push-Ups Into Sets

Rather than focusing on a single number of push-ups to do at once, break them into smaller sets that are more manageable. This approach will allow you to build strength while maintaining good form.

  • Start with Sets of 3-5 Push-Ups: If you can only do a few push-ups at a time, start by doing 3-5 per set, and aim for 3-4 sets spread throughout the day. This could total 12-20 push-ups per day.
  • Rest Between Sets: Take short breaks between sets—about 30 seconds to a minute—to ensure your muscles don’t get overly fatigued.

4. Progressing Each Week

The key to getting better at push-ups is consistent progression. As you get stronger, you’ll be able to increase your daily push-up count without compromising form.

  • Increase by 5-10 Push-Ups Each Week: Once you can comfortably do your daily goal, aim to increase your total by 5-10 push-ups. For example, if you started with 10 push-ups a day, try doing 15-20 after a week.
  • Focus on Quality: Always prioritize proper form over quantity. It’s better to do fewer push-ups with perfect form than many with poor technique.

5. Incorporate Modified Push-Ups

If you’re struggling with full push-ups, it’s perfectly fine to start with modified versions to build strength. This will help prevent injury while allowing you to improve your push-up ability.

  • Knee Push-Ups: These are easier than standard push-ups but still build upper body strength. Keep your body in a straight line from knees to shoulders and perform push-ups from this position.
  • Incline Push-Ups: Using an elevated surface, such as a bench or table, reduces the difficulty of the exercise, allowing you to build up strength before moving to standard push-ups.

6. Tracking Your Progress

Keeping track of your daily push-up routine will help you stay motivated and see improvements over time. Write down how many push-ups you do each day, and note when you feel ready to increase your numbers.

  • Use a Log or App: Track your sets and reps, and gradually increase your daily totals as you progress.
  • Test Yourself Every Two Weeks: Every couple of weeks, perform a max set to see how many push-ups you can do in one go. This will give you a clear picture of how your strength is improving.

7. Staying Consistent

For beginners, consistency is the most important factor in building push-up strength. It’s better to do a small number of push-ups each day than to do a lot one day and skip the next. Aim to make push-ups a part of your regular fitness routine.

  • Daily Practice: Even if you only have time for a few sets, doing push-ups consistently will help you improve faster.
  • Combine with Other Exercises: To build overall strength, consider combining push-ups with other bodyweight exercises such as squats, lunges, or planks.


Beginners should aim to start with a manageable number of push-ups, focusing on form and consistency. A good daily goal might be 10-15 push-ups, broken into smaller sets, and gradually increasing by 5-10 push-ups each week as strength improves. Remember, slow and steady progress will yield better long-term results than rushing into high numbers too soon. Stay patient, track your progress, and push yourself a little more each week!

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